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Partner With Us

We are seeking collaboration with like-minded individuals and organizations who align with our vision. If improving sleep quality, prioritizing personal well-being, and caring for the planet resonate with your values, we welcome your outreach. While every partnership is distinctive, here are some potential avenues for us to work together.

Brand Partnerships

We are always looking to partner with companies that share our vision and ethos. We are excited to create fun, innovative partnership campaigns with our brand partners. Please provide further details about your proposed collaboration idea here.

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Hospitality Trade Partnership

Whether you own an Airbnb, a rental property, or a boutique accommodation, you now have the option to provide your guests with luxurious and comfortable bedding. Please reach out to us for pricing information.

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Design Trade Program

Calling all environmentally-conscious designers! We provide special trade discounts and services to interior designers, stylists, and their clients who wish to incorporate Eucalypso bedding into their projects. Submit your application here.

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We are so excited to partner with you!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at